November 29th "Puppet Practice"
After we made our puppets it was time for a lesson using the puppets. Working with 2nd graders and puppets is hard. They wanted to play with them (how odd I know!). Working with any sort of a prop can be difficult especially ones that talk. We practiced moving and talking with our puppets. Then we need to talk about their jobs--which didn't go as well as I planned. What I wanted to do was to create a power point that would have the faculty pictures on it and we would play guess who and talk about the jobs that they had. I thought this would have worked great until only a couple of the elementary schools faculty had pictures on the schools website. Then I tried to come up with a different plan, but in implementation I don't think it worked out as well. This is the scenario part of the lesson plan below, but basically I would call out a scenario and the students would make a tableau of the person that thought would be the one to solve the scenario. I wish I would have tried harder to come up with something else because I don't believe it was as successful. Which made the interviews at the end more difficult. Overall, I learned if you aren't in love with an activity there is probably a reason why and I should try and come up with something else.
These are the puppets that I have created and used as models for the puppet lessons. From L to R. Mr. Mann the Librarian. Miss Sally the Cafeteria Worker. Mr. Turner the Teacher.
Keep reading for the lesson plan!
Grade 2
a. Demonstrate the
relationship between and among body, voice, and mind in a guided drama
experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).
b. Use
a prop or costume in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story
drama, creative drama) to describe characters, settings, or events.
Relate character experiences to personal experiences in a guided drama
experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).
Theatre Objective: Students will show their understanding the
relationship of body and voice by practicing how to change their movements and
voice when manipulating a puppet.
Standard 2
Objective 2
Identify individuals
within the school community and how they contribute to the school's success.
Identify the roles that
people have in the school and explain the importance of each member.
Demonstrate respect for
the school and the school community.
Social Studies
Objective: Students will show their
understanding of school faculty and their purpose by exploring what they do
through interviewing their own puppet about their job.
Puppet Breathing:
Have students lay their
puppets on their desks. Explain to students that the way we make puppets come
to life is by using movement. Explain that even when humans and animals are
trying to be still we are still moving because we are breathing or looking. This
can be done with the puppets by continually moving them focusing on the neck
and the eyes. These movements aren’t big, but they are consistent--done over
and over again in the same way. Explain to students that we are going to
practice moving our puppets by having them walk around the room with their
puppets on making their puppet quietly looking around the room. Explain to
students that when you say freeze them and their puppet need to freeze and be
quiet. Model what this looks like. Have students begin walking around the
space. After they have had some time to move have students freeze and come to
the carpet. Have them pair share what it was like to move their puppet. Have a
couple students share.
Puppet Voicing
After students have
practiced moving their puppet. Explain that the second way we can bring puppets
to life is through their voices. Explain that our puppet voices have to be
different than our voices to show who is talking. Have students sit in a circle
with their puppets. Go around the circle and say Hi using their puppet and
their puppet voice. Then have students say short sentences such as “My name is”
“My favorite color is…” “I love Monte Vista Elementary”. Tell students to focus
on the vocal quality of their puppets voice and how it is different.
Scenario Practice
After students have
practiced their puppet voices tell them that we are going to learn more about
what our school faculty does. Have students go place their puppets on their
desk and find space in the room. Explain to students that I am going to tell
them a scenario and they are going to show me with their bodies by making a
tableau who they think would take care of this job. After everyone is frozen
they will then find a partner and give them a high-five. When all students have
someone to high-five they will share who they think is the best fit for the
scenario. Then we will have a couple of students share and then talk briefly
about what other things this person does. Then have them get in their space
again. As students are frozen comment about how students are using their bodies
to show different characters/people.
A student needs help
getting lunch.
A student spilt a drink
in the hallway.
A student has a bloody
A student needs to call
their mom because they are not feeling well.
A student is being
bullied on the playground.
A student needs help
A student needs to learn
A student gets in
A student needs to learn
A student needs to learn
how to be fit.
A new teacher needs to
be hired.
A teacher needs help in
their classroom.
A principal needs help
planning a meeting.
Puppet Interviews
Explain to students that
they are going practice their puppet by interviewing their puppets about their
jobs. Explain that interviewing is where we ask someone questions and then they
answer. Model what this would look like. Explain to them that when you say
freeze them and their puppet need to freeze and be quiet. Find a space in the
room and have them practice. Have a couple students share what they learned
about from their puppet’s job.
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